One Piece 560 Spoiler , Scan Ita - Pics e Summaries

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CAT_IMG Posted on 1/10/2009, 16:26

One Piece 560 Spoiler

Data:Martedì 6 Ottobre
CAT_IMG Posted on 6/10/2009, 14:15

Translation: Aohige_AP
Verification: confirmed

扉絵はゾロで 忍び寄る影 タイトルは インペリダウン?wの囚人達
ハンコック 小声で ルフィ良くぞ無事にここまでこれはそなたの兄の手錠の鍵じゃ
ルフィ  ハンコックありがと~と飛びながら抱きつき 戸惑うハンコックが
     はやくそなたの兄を助けに行くんだ といい ルフィがエースの元へ向かう
ハンコックが倒れ 海兵  海賊女帝が麦わらに さばおり で倒されたぞ~
ハンコック ああこれが 結婚 なのね…  どーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーん!!
ケムリン 逃がすか麦わら~と追うが
ハンコックの 芳香脚を自慢の十手で防ぐが石化し十手はボロボロに
NO3 ほんとにこの作戦だいじょうだがね?
バギー いけるいける!いくぞおおやろうども~!!
ドフラ つい先日完成したんだ最初は足・腕・ときて最後に頭を改造し完全なサイボーグと
イワンコフ 忘れ去られる事が一番つらい~
イワンコフVSクマー へ

Chapter 560: Title The prisoners of Impel Down
Zoro’s Coverstory: A shadow crouching near

Hancock whispers to Luffy
Hancock: Luffy, I’m glad to see you safely here.
Here, this is the keys to your brother’s cuffs
Luffy: Hancock thanks!!

Luffy hughs Hancock, and Hancock blushingly says
Hancock: Hurry, go save your brother

Hancocks falls down (from overwhelming pleasure)
Marine: The pirate empress has been defeated by Strawhat with a back breaker!!
Hancock: Oh…. this is what… marriage is like!
Smoker: I won’t let you get away, Strawhat!

Smoker blocks Hancocks’ Perfume Femur with his Jutte, but it turns into stone and crumples.

Scene changes to Buggy
Mr.3: You sure this plan will work?
Buggy: It’ll be alright!! Let’s go my men!!

Buggy is starting up something.

Ivankov vs Kuma
DoFlamingo: He’s finally completed recently. They frist started with his legs and arm…
And finally they modefied his head, into a full cyborg.
He’s not longer the Kuma you knew!!
Ivankov: Being forgotten is the hardest thing….

That’s when Kuma proceeds to attack the other prisoners.
Enraged, Ivankov says no more fooling around, he’s going all out.



クロコ ずいぶん離れちまったな… 近くにはNO1
雑魚海賊達 親父はやらせねえぞー とクロコに襲い掛かるが
クロコ  邪魔だ〜 と竜巻で吹き飛ばす
白ひげ よく覚えてない やれやれとか そんな感じ><
で吹っ飛ばす クロコ吹っ飛ばされながら あのあんなデカイノこのスピードと攻撃力
なんとか着地するが口と鼻から大量の出血 近くにはドフラ
ジョズ よくあそこからコソコソと出られたもんだな〜ワニ男よ〜
その後ゆっくりドフラの方に向いて ギロッ
クロコ ドフラミンコ〜邪魔すんじゃねえ殺すぞ!
ドフラ クロコダイルよ〜どうだ俺と手を組まないか?
ジョズVSクロコ・ドフラ? へ


世界一の剣豪 鷹の眼 があわられ

ルフィVS鷹の眼 へ


Croc: We’ve been separated far from them…
Near croc is Mr.1

Fodder pirates: I won’t let you get to pops!!
They attack Crocodile.
Croc: Out of my way.
Croc blows them away with tornado.
Whitebeard sighs or something, I don’t remember >_< (<- Nja's comment)

Jozu comes rushing in, and body slams into Croc's face.
Croc is blown away, and mutters how fast Jozu is despite his size and weight.
Croc lands on his feet, but blood gushes out from his mouth and nose.
DoFlamingo is near by.

Jozu comes attacking him, but DoFlamingo stops Jozu.
Jozu: So you managed to sneak out of that hole of yours huh, crocodile man?

Then he slowly turns towards DoFlamingo, and glares.

Croc: Don't get in the way Doflamingo, or I'll kill you!
DoFlamingo: How about it Crocodile, why don't we join forces?
Jozu vs Croc & Doflamingo?

The strongest swordsman Hawkeye appears in front of Luffy who went to save Ace.
Luffy vs Mihawk



ハンコックに世話になりっぱなしだな~ って口走ってたからこれはフラグか?
何かお礼させてくれ~ で ハンコが お主が欲しい 展開じゃねえのか?
最後に鷹の眼は 赤髪すまん この力 どうたらこうたら この黒刀で!!

Addtional tidbits
While Luffy is running, he mutters I keep having Hancock look after me.
could this be a flag? Maybe he will ask her what he can do for her, and she asks for him? (<- Nja's opinion)

Lastly, Mihawk mulbles something to the like of "I'm sorry Red-hair, but this power is blah blah", "...with my Black Sword!"
He seems to be eager to fight.
(Nja was going off his memory, and didn't remember the whole lines)
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